Intercessions – Ash Wednesday

READER: Let us present our needs to God,
who is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and abounding in love:
We pray to the Lord: R. Lord, hear our prayer.

READER: For the Church, that she may be an ambassador for Christby announcing the good news of reconciliation.


We pray to the Lord: R. Lord, hear our prayer.

READER: For all present here today,
that we may have the will to change our lives,
and the lives of others, by our charity, good example and prayer.


We pray to the Lord: R. Lord, hear our prayer.

READER: For all who are estranged,
that they may seek to be reconciled
to all those with whom they are in dispute.


We pray to the Lord: R. Lord, hear our prayer.

READER: For all who are sick or suffering in any way,

that they may know the presence and comfort of the Lord.


We pray to the Lord: R. Lord, hear our prayer.

READER: For ourselves, that this Lenten season will prepare us
for our Passover from death to newness of life.


We pray to the Lord: R. Lord, hear our prayer.

MINISTER: Heavenly Father,
have mercy on your Church in all its need.
As we turn away from sin
may we turn to you in repentance
and embrace your holiness with all our heart.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.