Heavenly King, lead us to live our lives by your great, saving grace. We come before you, seeking your ever-loving guidance. Heavenly King, lead us to live our lives by your great, saving grace. We come before you, seeking your ever-loving guidance.
Let us pray for “We all need to meditate, to reflect, to find ourselves.” Let us welcome meditation to our daily lives to draw closer to Jesus and against the daily stresses, to care for our interior life that should not be neglected.
Lord in thy Mercy
® Hear our Prayer
As we approached 1st May we mark St Joseph the Worker. Let us follow St Joseph’s example as we remember this compassionate and obedient man of God. We pray for all fathers as they strive to protect and provide for their family. May this honourable saint, who watched over the Virgin Mary and Jesus, now care, and watch over all of us.
Lord in thy Mercy
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As the Coronavirus devastates India, we pause to remember the many families that are left alone abandoned with deeply unwell family members, unable to reach or receive medical care. We keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
Lord in thy Mercy
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As the children’s charity the NSPCC declares calls and messages to its helpline rose to record levels during the pandemic, we turn our hearts and prayers to the safety of children currently living in fear, vulnerable to abuse and neglect. We pray the government sets recovery plans in place to protect children throughout the UK living in unsafe conditions.
Lord in thy Mercy
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We pray for our young people that continue to bear the brunt of the job crisis. Let them realise their own unique skill set and feel empowered to seek support and guidance for their future career path.
Lord in thy Mercy
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With lowdown restrictions continuing to loosen we pray that the coming together of families, friends and communities is a happy, united, and safe union.
Lord in thy Mercy
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As we continue to celebrate the risen Lord let us pray for ourselves. Let us take a moment of prayerful consideration to think how we might pass the glorious flame of the Holy Spirit on to all we meet.
Lord in thy Mercy
® Hear our Prayer
Almighty God, we worship you, we give thanks to you. Keep us close as we go about our daily lives remembering your unfailing love for us. Amen.