Lord God, as we celebrate the moment in time when you accepted your mother into eternity, we also remember her care for your Son and for each one of us, a love which reflects your own immeasurable love as the God who is love itself.
We remember the challenge to treasure and care for our beautiful but often broken world. May our prayers inspire us to cherish the wonders of creation, of the environment and of a humanity which is so often in need of tenderness.
We remember governments and organisations across the world which are empowered to make a difference. As, together, we reflect on climate change and what needs to be done to save our world, may decision-making be guided by wisdom, vision, and courage.
We remember young people who are dreaming of a hope-filled future beyond exam results. May their joy and enthusiasm inject laughter and energy into the lives of the people they meet and with whom they live and work.
We remember all those who are facing catastrophic changes to their lives and livelihoods because of wildfires, drought, floods and political uncertainty. May they find the hope and support that they desperately need at this time. May the emergency services discover the strength to cope with situations which overstretch their capacities.
We remember families as they enjoy their summer holidays. May their time together strengthen their love for each other and be a source of great happiness.
We remember all those who are gradually returning to work after the limitations of the pandemic. May they know job security and may the opportunity to come together once again with friends and colleagues fill them with hope and encouragement.
Loving God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we place our prayers before you, confident in your immeasurable love for each one of us. Amen.