Lord God, Jesus called us to love you and to love the people around us. Your love for us was total and unconditional. You ask us to come to you as we are, without airs and graces, with all our faults and failings – and so we bring you ourselves and all those whose hopes and dreams we carry in our hearts.
We lovingly remember all religious leaders as they challenge us to take care of our beautiful world in its fragility. May their voices be heard in the coming climate conference so that wisdom and sensitivity will direct their thoughts, words and actions.
We lovingly remember all those who are involved in the Climate Change Conference which opens today. As they debate plans and strategies, may they listen to each other and recognise the real needs of our world.
We lovingly remember that we will celebrate the feasts of All Saints and All Souls this week. May we celebrate the lives of all those whom we have known and loved, whose inspiration has made us better people.
We lovingly remember all those for whom life is a struggle with few signs of hope. May they discover meaning, laughter, friendship and purpose through the support of the people around them.
We lovingly remember the children who bring laughter into our lives. May their joy be infectious and spread an epidemic of happiness to others.
Lord of life and love, watch over, protect and bless us as we celebrate your love which is so greater than we can possibly imagine. Amen.