Lord, as we enter this time of watching and waiting, we raise our prayers to you, asking for patience and peace in our lives.
We pray for those who have been adversely affected by bad weather and for those who work to raise awareness of climate change; that their voice might be heard above the storm. We ask God to guide policymakers in making decisions for the future of our planet.
We pray for the Church at this time; that Advent might be a time of blessing, clarity and healing for all Christians, and that love and generosity will prevail.
We pray for those who watch and wait; who wait for the birth of a child, for a change in their life, or for the end of a life. We ask that those facing death might receive grace and comfort from God, to understand death as the way to life eternal.
We pray for ourselves; that where we need to put things right with God and one another, we might have the courage to bring about the change that is needed.
We take a moment for personal prayer…
We bring our prayers before you, merciful God, certain that you hear us. We make our prayers in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.