3rd Sunday of Lent
Lord God of second chances, as we travel through Lent, we come to you with our prayers, hopes and dreams for ourselves, our loved ones and all humanity.
We pray for Pope Francis in his sickness. May he recover health and strength and continue to lead the Church towards a fuller appreciation of the dignity of all people.
We pray for our world, caught up in divisions that most of us feel helpless to heal. May world leaders come together to listen to each other and make decisions for the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
We pray for all those who are preparing for important exams and are making major decisions about their futures. May the Holy Spirit guide and enlighten their minds and send them wise mentors.
We pray for victims of violence, whoever and wherever they may be. May they find healing and help as they try to rise above the situations in which they find themselves.
We pray for families. May they grow ever closer to each other, to their communities and to God with every moment of every day.
We pray for people who are experiencing the fear or the result of natural disasters. May they have the courage and faith to rebuild their lives despite the challenges facing them.
We pray for everyone who is experiencing insecurity in their accommodation, employment or finances. May they find good answers to their problems and look towards a future full of hope.
God of life and hope be with us in everything that we say, think and do. Fill us with your love. Walk with us on our journey through life. Amen.