Loving Father, you love us regardless of our ups and downs in listening to you and obeying your Will. Confident of your immeasurable love, we bring our prayers before you.
Let us pray that all religious leaders will themselves find the personal health and support that they need as they work to inspire hope and joy in people who are finding life a struggle at this present time.
Let us pray that governments across the world will listen to each other and cooperate in the global search for solutions to the problems caused by Covid-19.
Let us pray that people will find security and hope in the days ahead in spite of their job insecurity and financial difficulties as a result of the coronavirus.
Let us pray for people who are sick, isolated and perhaps vulnerable and for the frontline carers who support them that they will find reasons to laugh in spite of their challenges.
Let us pray for students, teachers and parents for whom the start of the new academic year is also a time of anxiety, that they will experience the hope and encouragement that they need in their journey towards the future.
Let us pray for all those who are working to nurture respect and care for the environment will succeed in building peace in our beautiful but often broken world.
Loving God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be with us in everything that we say, think and do. Amen.