Lord, you invite us to open our hearts to see the goodness in the people around us. Confident of your love, we come to you today with our hopes, dreams and prayers.
We pray for Pope Francis. May he have a speedy return to health and continue to care for the people of our beautiful and fragile world.
We pray for all those involved in peace negotiations in the war-torn parts of our world. May the negotiators search for just and lasting settlements which will bring the greatest good to the greatest number of people.
We pray for everyone who is finding life difficult. May they find answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.
We pray for the parishes and parishioners in this country. May they shine as joyful witnesses to the love of God in their hearts and spread that love to everyone they meet.
We pray for people who are making new beginnings. May their journey be filled with the courage and hope that they need to make their dreams a reality.
We pray for the many youngsters who are preparing for important examinations in the coming months. May the Holy Spirit enlighten their minds and may they find the support that will help them towards a future full of hope.
Loving Lord, you are with us at every moment of our lives. Help us to come closer to you and to each other in faith and love. Amen.