As we celebrate Remembrance Sunday, we remember the countless men, women and children who have died as a result of war. We reflect, in particular, on the passage of 102 years on 11th November since the end of the WWI, the war that was supposed to end all wars. We bring before God all those people who, like the poor widow in today’s Gospel, gave their all in the cause of peace.
- We remember all religious leaders who work to promote peace in our world. May their leadership challenge governments to work for peace, reconciliation and understanding.
Lord, hear us.
- We remember all those who died as a result of warfare, praying that they might have eternal life. We pray that their self-sacrifice will have enriched the lives of their families, friends and all those who mourn them.
Lord, hear us.
- We remember the parts of the world where warfare, violence and bloodshed are a part of daily life. We pray that effective peacemakers will bring hope and understanding, putting an end to the suffering of innocent victims, trapped by the actions of others.
Lord, hear us.
- We remember those who have been injured in fighting for their country and those who offer support and rehabilitation. We pray that they will find healing and compassion in their darkest moments.
Lord, hear us.
- We remember military chaplains, medics, negotiators, interpreters and all those who risk their own lives as they offer comfort and support in the heat of battle.
Lord, hear us.
- We remember the families, torn apart by war and who struggle to rebuild their lives. We pray that they will find peace of heart and mind and the resources and help that they need.
Lord, hear us.
- We remember our own inner longing for peace. We pray that true peace, peace which is deeper than an absence of fighting, may come to our homes and to our world.
Lord, hear us.
Lord our God, on this Remembrance Sunday, we remember with love and gratitude those who “gave their today for our tomorrow”. We offer you our prayers through Jesus, the Prince of Peace and your Holy Spirit of Peace. Amen.
O God our heavenly Father, look mercifully upon the unrest in our world and draw all people to yourself and one another in the sure bond of peace. We give you ready thanks for the memory of all those men and women who laid down their lives in the service of their country. As we hallow their memory we bless you for their courage and devotion, even unto death. In your mercy send your peace into the hearts of all people through Jesus Christ our Lord.