Loving Lord, in this Jubilee Year, you challenge us to hope in your faithfulness and love. Confident that you love us more than we can possibly imagine, we bring you our prayers, hopes and dreams.
Lord in thy Mercy
We pray for the Church, and all religious leaders. May they be beacons of hope in a world which is often torn by conflict and misunderstanding.
Lord in thy Mercy
We pray for national and international governments as they tackle the economic and social issues which affect them. May those in authority act with wisdom and justice to bring about the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Lord in thy Mercy
We pray for people who live on the margins and are counted as “the least, the last and the lost”. May they discover the dignity and respect that they deserve as children of our loving God.
Lord in thy Mercy
We pray for families, especially those who are struggling in difficult circumstances. May their love for each other fill them with hope and lead them towards solutions to their difficulties.
We pray for children. May they grow up in love and laughter, finding the confidence to follow their dreams.
Living Lord, be with us in our day-to-day efforts to follow your word and to live our lives to the full in your presence. May our hearts be yours, undistracted by anything that would take us away from you. Amen.