Heavenly Father, we give thanks to you and remember your love has no end. Hear our prayers we bring before you.
We pray “to respond to the poorest, the excluded and those who, for economic or cultural reasons, see their needs ignored.”
We pray for all those that are feeling isolated and alone. May the Holy Spirit bless and protect them and soothe their sorrow.
We pray for all those experiencing pain and discomfort. May they have hope and reassurance for better days ahead.
We pray for all students undertaking exam revision. May their hard work and dedication be rewarded.
As we find ourselves in the second quarter of the year, we pray this Springtime provides us with opportunities to create happy, special memories with our loved ones, family, and friends.
This Eastertide, let us renew ourselves in our faith and pray to be the best Christian disciples we can be.
Jesus, we believe in you here and now, forever. Amen