Let us pray for our leaders of faith. May they discuss with us the gifts of love and the integrity of the Church. May our conversations not derail our trust but offer us deeper awareness of Christ’s resurrection.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray to recognize our hearts burning within us as we celebrate Eastertide. May we seek healing and forgiveness along our paths of faith.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray to walk with faithfulness and endless wonder. May our elderly who no longer take bold strides lean on us to journey in faith and hope. May the season of Easter unite us in God’s fidelity on earth.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray for people who suffer in mind and body. May Easter joy be revealed in our pain, worry, and anxiety. May Christ’s resurrection be made known within our bodies and souls.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray to feed upon Christ’s Real Presence. May the Eucharist offer peace within every human heart. May our Church be renewed in the Breaking of the Bread.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray for our children. May their enthusiasm for God be revealed throughout their lives. May hope be embodied in our young. May love be passed to a new generation.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray for people who suffer along life’s journey. May the short-tempered be kept from needless worry and endless anxiety. May we converse with the sorrowful to bring hope even when frustration makes a home within us.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray to cast negative and bitter words aside. May our conversations with one another bring deeper hope within our human families. May we take responsibility for our words and actions in faith and in justice.
We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray to be grateful for our loved ones who have died. May we find in our memories the food of healing and the beauty of our faith in Christ Jesus.
We pray to the Lord.