Almighty God, as a church we daily pray that “Your Kingdom Come” but most of the time we so often live in ways that prevent its coming. We spend too much of our time trying to build our own human kingdom, putting ourselves, rather than you, the centre our lives. Send your spirit to remind us that you are “First” and others are “Second” and we are “Third”.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.
Holy God, we pray for your church, the clergy, the wardens and officials and all those who serve on church councils. Thank you too for those who provide music, hospitality, and flowers; those who assist, serve read and pray.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.
Creator God, we thank you for the example of leadership given to us by your Son, Jesus Christ, in his life on earth. We pray for the renewal of a spirit of humility and a sense of responsibility among leaders of this world that the hungry might be fed and the oppressed might be freed to live in peace.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.
Father God, we worship you as the one who has given us this life and we ask that you will help us to live it to the full. At home may we be the friends and neighbours that we really want to be. Help us to spread the warmth of your love to everyone we meet.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.
Mighty God, we thank you for your love and compassion for all who suffer in body, mind and spirit. We pray that your healing presence will calm their fears, ease their pain and bring light into the darkness of all who are sick. We ask that you be with us, and all who need your loving touch at this time.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.
Merciful God, through the ministry of your son Jesus Christ you have freed us from the grip of the tomb. We pray for those who have departed this life and ask you, through your loving kindness, to have mercy on their souls. We pray too for those bereaved by their passing.
(Short Silence)
Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.
Gracious God, hear these prayers we offer you in his name. By the power of your Holy Spirit work within us and among us to bring your kingdom into this world. Let your will be done so that all people may live only for your praise and glory.
Merciful Father: Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen