“Life to me is Christ.” Loving Lord, those words of Saint Paul are amazing! We so want you to be at the centre of our lives and our love. We come to you today, knowing that you love us more than we can possibly imagine. We bring you our prayers, our hopes,and our dreams.
We pray for the people of Libya and Morocco as they cope with the aftermath of the recent floods and earthquake. May those who have died enjoy eternal life and may the survivors and rescue workers find the comfort and strength that they need.
We pray for an end to hostilities in so many areas of the world. May people learn to live together in peace and understanding. Where there are divisions, may people work together to find healing and solutions.
We pray for all those who are struggling to find a home, food and security for themselves and their families. May those who can make a difference put their minds and hearts into creating a more equal society.
We pray for the people in this parish who are sick, who are grieving and who are lonely. May we come together to build a warm and loving community.
We pray for families in this parish who are facing major changes in their lives. May they find love and laughter in their challenges.
Lord God, we love you and adore you. Be with us in everything that we say, think and do. Amen.