Lord, today we remember the true kingship of Christ, let us present our thoughts and prayers to you on this Feast of Christ the King.
We pray for the universal nature of Christian proclamation, emphasising that encountering Jesus and sharing the Gospel is a call for all, irrespective of boundaries or limitations.
Let us pray for the Palestinian people; let us pray for the Israeli people, so that peace may prevail. We pray for all people suffering due to wars in Ukraine and the Holy Land.
As household energy prices are expected to rise in January, putting more financial pressure on billpayers at the coldest time of year, we pray for all those that are vulnerable, isolated, and financially insecure. May they receive help and support to see them through the winter months.
As the commercial aspect of the Christmas season approaches, we pray for all those that are struggling financially. Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas and give the gift of our time, to those who need it most.
We pray for all those that are experiencing poor mental health. May the Holy Spirit comfort and reassure them and remind them they are loved.
We pray for all those that are enduring a sense of loss, be that through a bereavement, a breakdown of relationship, a collapse in friendship. May they feel nurtured through their faith and consoled by the love of the Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Lord, your never-ending love gives us the strength and courage to lead the life you chose for us. Thank you for always guiding us. Amen.