Lord, at times we all feel lost. Believing and trusting in you helps us to become found. Hear our prayers we bring before you.
We ask all Christians to urgently intercede before the Prince of Peace and to demonstrate closeness to those directly affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
The UN says that 3.5 million people have left Ukraine. We pray that all refugees receive social welfare, access to housing, medical treatment, and schooling for children.
The jump in the cost of living has put increasing pressure on households across the UK. We pray that those worried about making ends meet and struggling with financial insecurity receive the support and help they need.
We pray for those living with ill-health. With long hospital waiting lists, may they receive the treatment they require to live happier and healthier days ahead.
We pray for all those that are recently bereaved. May the Holy Spirit comfort them in their time of sorrow and soothe their aching hearts.
This Mothering Sunday we give thanks to all mothers, for their never-ending care and compassion and for showing us the true meaning of unconditional love and forgiveness.
As we travel through Lent, we pray for a deeper more meaningful faith life. Let us seek to instil the fruits of the Holy Spirit into all we say and do.
Loving Lord, you are the light of the world. Help us to light the way for those needing your guidance and eternal love. Amen.