Holy Father, just as Jesus called his first disciples, help us to find time in our busy lives to hear Jesus’ call and follow you. With open hearts and listening ears, we bring our prayers before you.
Let us pray that listening to others has always accompanied the path of humanity that brings us close to those we meet at the crossroads of our existence.
We pray for the three billion people living globally in developing nations that have not yet had a first dose of coronavirus vaccine. May world leaders work together to tackle underlying issues to ensure everyone has access to vaccines.
We pray for all those in education. As pupils and teachers continue to self-isolate, facing continued disruption to learning, we pray school communities and parents work together for the best outcomes for our children.
We pray for all those suffering from ill health. May the Holy Spirit bless and protect them and keep them safe.
Lord, as we journey with you, never let us lose our sense of direction. Amen.