Bidding Prayers – October 20th

We come before you, Heavenly Father, with hearts full of gratitude. We ask you to fortify us in faith, and to teach us to love and keep loving, until the world if full of love.  

We hold in prayer, asking God to bless and sustain him in his mission. We echo the message of his Angelus reflection; that true wealth lies in being loved by God, and we make it our own prayer today.

We ask God to pour grace and peace into the troubled situations around the world. Where nations are engaged in conflict, we pray for a permanent cessation of hostilities leading to a lasting, just and healing peace.

We ask God to pour love and compassion into our local communities. We give thanks for all those who nurture and enrich our neighbourhoods, praying that they might receive the support and resources they need to achieve their purpose effectively.

In communion with our sisters and brothers in faith worldwide, we pray for the global Church to be united in living the Gospel with generosity and wisdom.

Rejoicing in the diversity and beauty of the natural world, we seek God’s guidance as we learn to live more sustainably.

Remembering all who are suffering – physically, spiritually, emotionally, economically or in their relationships – we pray that they will experience God’s healing touch in their life.

Even in dark and difficult moments, Lord, we feel your presence, and for that we are deeply grateful. May we continue to trust in your goodness and, day by day, may we find new ways to share your love with others. Amen.