Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith.
Everlasting God, you choose people to send forth as workers into your vineyard, the world that you trusted to us. You spoke to awaken Samuel and called Philip and Nathanael and so we ask you to open the ears of your chosen ones in this age. Hear us now as we pray for the church and the world.
Lord in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
Creator God, you call us to be stewards of your beautiful world. Help us to care for the environment in all we do in our daily lives. Let us be always mindful of waste, including our own use of the world’s precious resources. Show us the richness of your creation viewed from our windows, in our gardens and as we take our exercise in local parks.
Lord in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
Faithful God, you called Abram to be the Father of many nations, and so we pray for the nations of our world and their leaders. We continue to pray for peace in your world, and especially for those involved in the process of reconciliation and bridge-building between peoples, cultures and nations. Help us wherever and whenever we can in our everyday lives to be instruments of your peace.
Lord in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
Father God, you called Moses to be the shepherd who led the Israelites from Egypt. We pray for Jane and all the ministry team; help us all to be worthy of your call to us here in our parish. We pray for our families, our friends and our neighbours and all who are part of our lives, both here in Basildon and further afield, whom we cannot see at present.
Lord in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
Loving God you called the Apostles to be ambassadors for Christ and gave them the power to heal. Help us to bring healing by our phone calls and doorstep visits, that our care and our prayers may strengthen the spirits of those we love. We pray for all who are essential workers that they are kept safe. In this difficult time of lockdown, when so many are affected in body, mind and spirit, please bring before our Lord anyone on your hearts at this time.
Lord in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
Merciful God, be with us in our mourning as we pray for all who are coming to the end of their journey here on earth, and for all those who have died and now rejoice in the fullness of eternal life.
Lord in Your mercy: Hear our prayer
Faithful God, we rejoice in your call to belong to the Church, to believe in the Gospel, and to be united with the successors of your Apostles. Send us out into the coming week ready to demonstrate our calling in all that we do
and say.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.