A Prayer for Wellbeing. O God, who would join both heaven and earth in a single peace: let the design of your great love give peace to your church, peace among nations, peace in our dwellings, and peace in our hearts: through Jesus Christ our Lord
Lord in thy Mercy
Hear our Prayer
Wisdom in the transition to post-COVID times and our meetings with the whole Church family to identify what lessons we have learned and what benefits we have gained from these difficult times and how we may implement these lessons in our worship life
Lord in thy Mercy
Hear our Prayer
Church growth, both numerical and spiritual. • New and effective ways to share the gospel with our local community. Innovative ways to meet with our neighbours and the local community as we move forward from the pandemic.
Lord in thy Mercy
Hear our Prayer
Please pray for: Our priest, Ian, that he will continue to find Christ in our churches, for Rutton as he covers for Ian whilst on leave, for the other Priests and curates who will cover for the weddings, Our Church volunteers, in all their varied roles, who maintain the living faith within our parishes. Strength, courage and wisdom in finding new ways to take the Word into our growing communities.
Lord in thy Mercy
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We pray for those who are ill, and those who care for them.
Judy Bolt, Sue and Dennis Evans, Michael Burt, Sarah Godwin, Amanda & Hugh, Sally Rivett, Jacky Williams, Lizzy Laverty, Mark Knott, Julian Richardson, & Rev Ian Maslin.
Lord in thy Mercy
Hear our Prayer
We pray for Reverend Julie Miles who was ordained Priest by David, Bishop of Grimsby in Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 3rd July. (d-in-l of Coralie & the late Phil Miles)
Lord in thy Mercy
Hear our Prayer
We remember those who have died.
and for those whose anniversaries of their death occur during this coming week. May all those who still miss them be comforted & Strengthened by the Peace of God.
Sidney Gould, Oliver Harris, Vera Howell, Wentworth Watson, Frederick Atterwill, Leonard Tyrwhitt, Laurence McIntosh, & Arthur Lee.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.